
San Antonio, Texas

Audie L. Murphy Memorial VA Hospital – Legionella Study


Audie L. Murphy Memorial
VA Hospital

Prime Architects and team conducted a study to identify feasible engineering controls that can be implemented at the Audie L. Murphy VAMC site, an approximate 1 million square foot facility.

Following VHA directive 1061, Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Legionella Disease and Scald Injury from Potable Water Distribution Systems, the purpose of this study was to address engineering control strategies for prevention of Legionella growth in potable water systems.



Approx. 1M SF

Est Construction Value:



San Antonia, Texas

Project Owner:

Department of Veterans Affairs, South Texas Veterans Health Care System (STVHCS)

Year Completed:

Professional Services: 2017
Construction: N/A

Project Role:

Prime A-E Firm – Project Management, Site Investigations,
​Study Deliverables