Though the cost of an architectural project may vary, there are some commonalities you’ll find with rates and services. In today’s blog, we’ll be focusing on commercial projects and how you can better estimate the cost of your project.
A Guide to Code Research: What You Need to Know About Historical Building Design
Some of the first and longest lasting laws included building safety codes. It has been long understood that keeping a space safe for occupants is critical for society. Now, we have historical building design codes we have to follow. These rules cover areas spanning safety to design conformity.
How To Determine Project Fees
Calculating project fees can be a bit of a guessing game. factor include: the project, the client relationship, the competition, the firm’s overhead, and the overall economy. This post shares common project fee structures associated with an architectural design process.
3 Ways You Can Prep for Your Architectural Design Project
Nothing is more exciting than creating a new project for your business or community. Today, we’ll discuss the importance of a design brief and what needs to be included to ensure a successful architectural design project.
The 6 Elements of a Good Feasibility Study
From an architect’s perspective, a feasibility study helps determine if options for a particular site are achievable and sustainable with the resources available. Because they hold so much value, these studies are used in a variety of industries.
Commercial Redevelopment 101: The 7 Phases
Understanding the process of commercial redevelopment can help you confidently assess some of the risks associated with its construction. In today’s blog, we’ll be explaining the seven phases of redevelopment and highlighting some of the key tasks in each area.
Phases of an Architectural Design Project
How does the Architectural Design process work? Find out in this article by the experts at Prime Architects.
3 Hidden Benefits of Hiring an Architect Before You Begin A Commercial Redevelopment Project
Few people realize how complicated architectural development is until they find themselves in a labyrinth of design options, building codes, zoning laws and contractor bids. In today’s blog, we’ll be exploring the hidden benefits of hiring an architect before you begin a commercial redevelopment.
Cost Estimating Impact on Fee – Podcast Interview With Our President
Exciting News! Our president, Gene Lavastida, has been selected to lead a Podcast titled Cost Estimating Impact on Fee. Be sure to tune in on October 19th to hear his insights!
Project Update for Dallas VA Medical Center, Dallas, Texas
Prime Architects was hired to renovate Building 60 B Wing Patient Rooms in the Dallas VA Medical Center, Dallas, TX by providing all necessary architectural and engineering design services to prepare complete contract drawings, specifications, technical reports, and cost estimates for the renovation