Project Update for Dallas VA Medical Center, Dallas, Texas

Prime Architects was hired to renovate Building 60 B Wing Patient Rooms, Dallas VA Medical Center, Dallas, Texas.

Prime Architects is providing all necessary architectural and engineering design services as required to prepare complete contract drawings, specifications, technical reports, and cost estimates for the renovation of existing building #60 B wing patient bedrooms and bathrooms and associated mechanical and electrical components. Contracts includes performance of bi-monthly construction period services.

Area for renovation includes 22 patient rooms. Currently there are 18 patient rooms with a shared toilet/shower, This project will change the shared toilet rooms to be one per patient room, providing for all 22 patient rooms to have one toilet room per room. Rooms will be renovated with new ceilings, lighting, cabinetry and flooring. Doors will be replaced to provide better passage from the bedrooms to the toilet shower rooms. The new toilet rooms will be able to accommodate patients in wheel chairs and lifts.

Construction phasing to include facility to remain in use during the renovations with the contractor being able to work on approximately four rooms at a time.

Estimated construction cost: $3,500,000.

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