Having knowledge of these factors ensures you won’t be in for a surprise when you’re handed an initial estimate of probable cost. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss the four most common factors that’ll influence the cost of your new commercial building.
Commercial Development
Understanding the Roles of A/E Disciplines in Architecture Projects
A Practical Guide for Architecture Projects Navigating the complexities of large-scale real estate projects demands a comprehensive understanding of various architectural and engineering (A/E) disciplines. Knowing the roles and contributions of each discipline not...
The Benefits of a Great Working Relationship With Your Architect
Trust is the foundation of any relationship between an architect and a client. An architect can add a lot of value to your project; from maximizing space and energy efficiency to choosing sustainable materials and navigating approvals.
How To Determine Project Fees
Calculating project fees can be a bit of a guessing game. factor include: the project, the client relationship, the competition, the firm’s overhead, and the overall economy. This post shares common project fee structures associated with an architectural design process.
The 6 Elements of a Good Feasibility Study
From an architect’s perspective, a feasibility study helps determine if options for a particular site are achievable and sustainable with the resources available. Because they hold so much value, these studies are used in a variety of industries.