Learn more about architecture project processes and industry standards
How to Determine the Cost of Your Architectural Design Project
An architect is of value to any commercial project constructing the building of a new structure or the altering of an existing property. An architect can create your vision into a reality, developing detailed plans and blueprints for the builder to work off of. Not...
A Guide to Code Research: What You Need to Know About Historical Building Design
Some of the first and longest lasting laws included building safety codes. It has been long understood that keeping a space safe for occupants is critical for society. Now, we have historical building design codes we have to follow. These rules cover areas spanning...
How To Determine Project Fees
If you are wondering why you can't seem to find an industry standard for establishing an architect's fee, it's because there isn't one (you're not crazy!). In fact, almost 30 years ago, because of a consent decree with the US Justice Department, the American Institute...
3 Ways You Can Prep for Your Architectural Design Project
Have you considered taking on an architectural design project in the coming year? People often hesitate getting started because of the overwhelming number of considerations and risks involved in the process. However, addressing these items in the earlier stages of the...
The 6 Elements of a Good Feasibility Study
In development, a feasibility study measures the ability to complete a project successfully and account for economic, technological, legal and scheduling factors that may affect it. Potential property owners or existing owners use feasibility studies to determine both...
Commercial Redevelopment 101: The 7 Phases
The beauty of architecture is taking ideas on paper and transforming them into community treasures. However, the redevelopment process can be pretty complicated (and lengthy for that matter). Commercial redevelopment involves a wide range of participation. From...
Phases of an Architectural Design Project
In addition to “how much is it going to cost?”, another common question we get from new clients is “how does the process work?”. We’re hoping to help you with that today. Below we attempt to delineate just exactly how architects can be a beneficial partner in getting...
3 Hidden Benefits of Hiring an Architect Before You Begin A Commercial Redevelopment Project
Should I hire an architect or contractor first? At first glance, this appears to be one of those chicken-or-the-egg questions. However, working with an architect before you start your project can save much more time and money long-term. Few people realize how...
Cost Estimating Impact on Fee – Podcast Interview With Our President
Exciting News! Our president, Gene Lavastida, has been selected to lead a Podcast titled Cost Estimating Impact on Fee. Be sure to tune in on October 19th to hear his insights! To hear the podcast, go to
Project Update for Dallas VA Medical Center, Dallas, Texas
Prime Architects was hired to renovate Building 60 B Wing Patient Rooms, Dallas VA Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. Prime Architects is providing all necessary architectural and engineering design services as required to prepare complete contract drawings,...